Two business professionals are shaking hands across a table in an office meeting room

Thinking about selling your

Find a suitable solution!

Secondly, selling a business takes time, start your selling process early!

First, you need to decide that you want to sell!

Selling your business is a complex venture that involves several considerations. It can require that you enlist a broker, accountant, and/or an attorney as you proceed. Whether you profit will depend on the reason for the sale, the timing of the sale, the strength of the business’s operation and its structure.

Selling process overview!

  • Selling your business starts with identifying your reasons why, making sure your business is in the shape it needs to be in to be sold and the timing of the sale.

  • Preparing for the sale at least a year or more in advance is critical, as it gives you time to improve your financial records, customer base, and other factors that can make the business more successful.

  • Determine the value of your business so that you can price it appropriately.

  • Make a decision as to whether you’d rather use a business broker, or negotiate the sale yourself.

  • Organize your financial statements and tax returns dating back a few years and go over the details with an accountant.

  • Finding a buyer is a huge undertaking that could stretch out several years. Once a good buyer is found, there are a series of financial screenings and other steps that need to be taken to keep the process moving.

A man in a suit presents a rising graph on a flip chart to two colleagues in a bright conference room.
A man in a suit presents a rising graph on a flip chart to two colleagues in a bright conference room.

There are many reasons why someone may choose to sell their business. For some, this decision is made based on purely financial reasons, for others, it is lifestyle factors that act as the catalyst.

Common reasons for selling a business:

  • Retirement

  • Health of owners/directors

  • Urge to do something else

  • Found a more profitable business

  • Reached their goals

  • Want to exit and cash out

  • Industry concerns

No matter the reasons, Zuport assist you in your preperations and selling, merger or aquisition process.

A person in business attire is writing on a business selling using a pen. The image focuses on their hands and the document.
A person in business attire is writing on a business selling using a pen. The image focuses on their hands and the document.

Sell when it´s time!

A group of exited clients with a very exited man in the front.

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